How to Update An ISW Product

Along with hosting our downloads, Pulse also functions as the method for updating your ISW libraries. The update process only requires a few clicks to complete!

When a new update has been released, Pulse will notify you using the following

To begin the update, click on the product's icon/name from the list. This will open the Product Details page, which includes a list of versions.

If an update is available, Pulse will highlight it with a message saying "Update to the latest (X.X.X)." The version list is comprehensive, so you can also use this menu to downgrade, if needed.

Pulse will then automatically install the update for you. The next time you use your ISW product, it will be on the version you selected!

NOTE: Pulse will not notify you if you are on the most current version, but you will still have access to the versions list.
If a product has not ever had updates, then the version list will be absent.