What To Do If Snapshots Aren't Loading

When adding libraries via the Files menu, there may sometimes be an issue where Kontakt cannot find the snapshots included with our products. It may either display a lack of options in the dropdown, or give the message "No Snapshot Loaded":

Most of our Kontakt Full Libraries provide a variety of instruments rather than snapshots, and therefore this is normal behavior. However, if you're using a trial product (i.e. S3 Free, Super Audio Boy, etc.) these DO have snapshots.

Here are the steps on how to resolve this issue.

1. Open the instrument in Kontakt with the missing snapshots, and click the Save button (you do not need to actually create a snapshot and can press Cancel). This will create a folder for us to put the snapshots into.

2. Navigate to your User Content directory. For Windows and Mac OSX machines, this is located at "[Documents or My Documents]\Native Instruments\User Content"

Note: If you do not see a Kontakt folder, then repeat step 1.

3. Inside the Kontakt folder, there should be a folder that closely matches the name of the .nki file (i.e. Shreddage 3 Stratus FREE, Shreddage 3 Precision FREE, Triple Ocarina, etc). If you do not see this, check to make sure you've completed step 1, as that is what creates this folder.

4. Go back to where your instrument was downloaded and installed. Inside that folder is a Snapshots folder - copy and paste that into the folder we created in User Content. 

The next time you load your instrument, you should now have access to all of the snapshots!