How to Reinstall a Product

If you've purchased a new computer, or reset your existing one, downloading and installing your previous Impact Soundworks purchases is simple.

Step 1: Ensure that you have a Pulse Downloader account, and the Pulse Downloader app is installed.

We now use Pulse Downloader ( to deliver, install, and update all of our products. So, if you don't already have a Pulse Downloader account, you must make one and download the app.

Step 2: Ensure you have registered your products on Pulse.

Once logged in to the Pulse app, check your Library section and make sure all of your Impact Soundworks purchases are there.

IMPORTANT: Purchases are not automatically added to your Pulse account!

If you don't see certain ISW products there, you must first register them, which is done by using the "Add a Product" button in the Pulse app.

If you have already registered all your products on Pulse, skip to Step 3.

You will be prompted for a product code.

For Native Access products, such as Kontakt Player or Reaktor Player: Your Native Access code ALSO doubles as a Pulse code.

For non-Kontakt Player products: Use the unique code shown in your Impact Soundworks account.

If you can't find either of these codes, go to the My Products section of your account area. You'll see a list of products, like this:

Then, click "View Order" on the product you're reinstalling. In this example, we've selected Vocalisa.

Note the "Product Code" in the screenshot above. This is the code used in Pulse to download the latest version of the library.

Once you input this code, Pulse will ask you for a download location, then it will download and extract the library to the folder you've selected.

At this point, for non-Kontakt Player products, you don't have to do anything else.

For any newly-registered products, you can step Step 3 and go to Step 4.

Step 3: If you've previously registered your products on Pulse, install or locate them in Pulse.

In the below example, Allura Volume 1 has already been registered, but has not yet been "installed" or located on a new computer.

If you no longer have the library files: Click the "Install" button and follow the prompts to re-download the library.

If you have the library files on a hard drive already: Click the three dots and select "Re-locate".

You'll then be prompted to find and select the folder for the library.

Once all of your libraries are either re-installed or re-located in this way, you'll be able to view the latest updates and changelogs for all products.

Step 4: If you've previously registered your products on Native Access, locate them in Native Access.

For Kontakt Player or Reaktor Player instruments, the procedure in Native Access is very similar to that of Pulse.

You must first ensure you have downloaded the latest versions of your products via Pulse.

Then, in Native Access, look for your ISW products. They will have a button labeled "Locate" below them.

Just like in Pulse, you will need to click this button, then select the folder where the library was downloaded & installed.

This will reconnect the library and cause it to appear in applications like Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol, Reaktor (etc).